What a Does a KNITTER Looks Like…?
You are such a granny!’
Fellow knitters, I’ll bet you’ve all heard that eye-roller while happily clicking your needles.
Apart from being demeaning to grannies, it’s stale old drivel that hints at sexism and ageism, that older women are unadventurous or uncool.
I craft most days of my life and no, I’m not a ‘Granny’. I mean I do enjoy quiet time to myself; slow, creative time… and yes, I love a good book and an early night so maybe I am a granny haha!
Over the years friends and strangers have freely offered their opinion on my crafting -ranging from “you’re so embarrassing” to “can I order a jumper?” – all because I knit out loud. By that I mean unashamedly knitting in public places.
I’m super happy to have a chat to anyone about craft, wool, my business but I do roll my eyes at these insulting, uninvited comments.
Let me clear this up; there is no such thing as a stereotypical knitter. Knitting doesn’t belong to an age group or gender, colour or creed. I’ve been knitting my entire life, probably around 40 years now, and I can tell you many many people knit and have been knitting all this time.
Knitting has survived all of humanity’s greatest hits – ancient times, revolutions, depressions and world wars – and now sits in the hands of well, everyone. Social and environmental activists, edgy fashion designers, experimental artists, amateur crafters, millennials – everyone!
Recently I was talking with a Dad, soon to be a granddad again. He knits all of the grand-babies their first blanket. The simplicity of the conversation we had says it all. We didn’t discuss anything but the wool, the pattern and of course the little bubba on the way. Knitting doesn’t have a gender, it’s just yarn.
While it may have suffered an identity crisis, knitting has never gone away and what is super cool and exciting is the growing sense of value around handmaking, natural fibres, slow fashion, creative relaxing and an appreciation for something handcrafted with love.

My Knit Gang
Here is my knit-gang in Wanaka, a cool bunch of crafty humans that I am honored to spend time with. No one of us fits the classic knitting stereotype, each of us very knitty.
So, this got me thinking, can we challenge our community with a fresh approach; what does a knitter look like? I think it’s time to break down those silly preconceptions of handcrafts and start being all out there proud and crafty.
Join me showing off what a knitter looks like
Take to your socials and use the hashtag my friends, lets be loud and proud
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