Social Blog: Today is Patterns Day
Today is patterns day 

Every second weekend I take a day to work on patterns, this always feels like a privilege of time – even though designing, writing and producing patterns is a key element of this little business. With no time during the working week, and evenings spent with my little bean, my friends, riding my bike, and sneaking into bed early… so every second weekend, when the little man is with his dad, it’s patterns day.
Now that is something I look forward to, as I get to be just like a normal (ish) maker and sit down to my beloved craft knitting. But in reality I can struggle to do what feels like a total indulgence of time. I see a house full of jobs, a seriously overgrown garden, and a landscape of adventures to be had… I can be filled with guilt at the thought of sitting down to knit.
Nuts rights? I mean this is my business hahaha
So I’ve been remiss recently and let my handiwork fall behind, I haven’t got patterns progressed, no testing started (well a little but not enough) my head is exploding with ideas and I really need to get some new designs through photography.
So today is patterns day, and the house is still crying out for attention, but it’s rainy and I’m tired, so that helps this restless soul settle down. It probably helps that the fresh tattoo on my thigh has slowed me down.
So let’s talk patterns because I don’t make em like others do. In true Michelle form, I do a lot of winging it, sometimes with vague notes. In the phase of making I am not well planned ahead, or even entirely sure what I’m making… this is a very flow state for me, and I like to leave it open to possibilities.
My pattern style is informal and it leaves the maker room to explore their own ideas and adaptations. I like encouraging free range knitting, less prescription and more personal flair.
The language less technical, and when I can, explain why the design is constructed the way it is.
Have you knit one of my designs? And what did you think?
And have you thought about producing a design, cause let’s be real here, I’m going to need some help..
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