NZ Made Knitting Yarns Wool Shop in Wanaka

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It is with much delight that I confirm THE WOVEN Co will remain in Revology Concept Store in the HEART of Wanaka township – and yeah I’ll be there too!
So if you are in Wanaka, or can be in Wanaka – come seeeee meeee!
I’m here to talk all things KNITTING, help you with projects, help you get started and share my deep passion for handcrafts with you.  I’ll be in store working on my new projects and designs, so if can snoopy peep at them too!  FUN!  And don’t forget that Revology make the bestest TEA, so why not have a cuppa with me too?

Friday 8th and Saturday 9th

Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th

Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd

Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th




How about that then!  Wanaka has it’s own little wool shop of NZ Made knitting yarns, inside the gorgeous store Revology – right in the heart of town!
A store that showcases the most amazing products, steeped in sustainable values (think fair living wages, well being, reducing waste and circular design) now hosts The Woven Co in a cute little knit and sip lounge.

This is a place to drink dreamy french hot chocolates, or refresh with incredible teas, knit, browse patterns, squish yarns – and meet me!

Some come along to 28 Helwick Street – and bring your knitting too!



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